Thursday, March 6, 2008

Blog Awards 2008

Well as first proper blog posts go, I felt this was a rather appropriate start!

What a great night and there was poor old me with n'er a clue who anyone was but in the grand scheme of the Blog Awards, this seemed rather inconsequential.A great night was had by all and despite my best efforts one or two photos of moi are to be found in cyber space.To tell the truth I am no "yummy mummy", more like a bedraggled ,hassled mummy most of the time but glory be to cyber space, where one can exist as a rather hot looking chick :).
I met some fantabulous people (and yes I know it's a made-up word, but it's my blog!!).Amongst them was the rather talented Mr.Handelaar...check out his pictures on goes by the name of Genghis on Flickr but both he and his wife are rather lovely.The talented Curlyk ,Redmum, and Twentymajor were also present in the midst of a very large collection of vocal writers.The host for the evening was Mr. Rick O'Shea ,who carried out his duties with what can only be described as wonderful aplomb.

As introductions go, I was smitten by the blog awards and indeed the blogging community...will I be back?? You bet your life I'll be there next year, short of being up the duff ,that is :))

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